Medical Specials
Specials and ongoing sales for medical cannabis.
Deals are subject to store's current inventory.
We sell Gift Cards!
Ongoing Sales and Happy Hours *members can't stack discounts
Buy your limit and receive 10% off glass and accessories.
Early Bird Daily Happy Hour from 9am-10am - 10% off all non-sale products.
Keef Kola 100mg Drinks, 4 for $40.
The Clear Happy Hour - 25% off daily, 3-6:30pm.
Wana Happy Hour - 25% off daily, 3-6pm.
TasteBudz Tuesday - every Tuesday receive 20% off TasteBudz products.
Wax Wednesday 4g for $35 *select brands/strains
Sunday Flower Special - Every Sunday all Durango Organics grown flower is Green Label price (excludes wholesale flower).
Sunday's 10% with Valid Tribal ID (can't stack with member discount)
Sale Ounces - $60 Non-Members and $55 Members, tax included.
Pop-Corn/Shake Ounces - $35 Non-Members and $30 Members, tax included. While supplies last.
January Deals
The Clear 20% off 17th-26th